These mods are intended for the 1998 version of Sonic R. Given that the Sonic R Updater is now a thing, you probably aren't using that version, so these aren't super helpful. These are in LunarIPS format. SONICR_CPU.IPS - Fixes the crash that occurs on startup. You'll still need D3DWindower to have controls, or you could use WINE on Linux. SONICR_CD.IPS - Bypass the CD check. I found this in a pirated copy in the description of a shady YouTube video, but it works, so :/ (I was trying to gather every unique copy of Sonic R I could find.) noblink.ips - Disable character blinking, so that custom models don't have random eyelid textures placed in the wrong location. slopefix.ips - See I don't know if this actually does anything, tbh.